Deviant Dimanche 6/30/13

Starting off this week is a photomanip by Ruud van Empel, originally found on Juxtapose.  I love the face rising from the water like a nymph or young Vivian.  The color saturation is intense and stark, and crazy lighting that is difficult to pin down.

World #35 2010

A lost girl in a colorful setting, bazaar like, just waiting for the old ascetic to stumble up and offer something.  FeiGiap (site) presents a scene on the brink of change, of personal challenge, the Turning Point, or a badly veiled metaphor for puberty.
Last is a work from Sergio Lopez  selected from his recent spread on Empty Kingdom.  This work really made me think of a nymph, grooming in a grove with her sisters on a sunny afternoon.

Belle Isis

Tumblr Tuesday 6/25/13

First Tumblr Tuesday.  This will just be a round up of random things I notice in my Tumblr feed throughout the week!

Despite the modern elements this little cabin is so quaint I see it as the woodcutter's hut, or Grandmother's house.  Can even picture this in candy colors, as the witches hut.  The cozy, inviting warmth of the interior which is so inviting compared to the snowy environment doesn't hurt.  Tumbled by cabinporn,  original photographer unknown (let me know if you do!) for PODhouse.


Is this not Alice in the flower garden?  She is cut off from the world, surrounded by flowers that close in on her and blind her.  Easily a metaphor for the enchanted sleep or the blinding aspects of 'true love' or even a 'gilded cage' scenario.  The subject is a modern Brunhilda, surrounded by flashing color that is so vibrant it almost burns. Tumbled by orientaltiger, originally by Lukasz Wierzbowski.

 Sainte Chapelle Cathedral in Paris.  Definitely a setting for a royal wedding or christening.  The opulence and colorful richness are so vibrant that the rest of world can become dull in comparison.  This was, of course, the point, but that hyper-realism is very much the stuff of fairy tales. Tumbled by NatGeo, originally by Bruce Dale for National Geographic.

Landscapes like this are why it is never difficult for me to visualize the NeverNever.  This is like looking out onto Summer, and expecting something to wondrous to step out to greet you.  A unicorn or pixie.  Tumbled by 24ribs and originally by shin--k.

Books.  They really are one of the most magical things the average person has access to.  Not to mention what old castle doesn't' have a huge multi-story library?  Tumbled by atomiclanterns, originally from Rick Finkelstein.

Deviant Dimanche 6/23/13

I have the idea to once a week to round up individual pieces I have found through the week on various art sites such as DeviantArt, Society6, YouTube and Behance.  Tumblr will get it's own day on Tuesday.

To set the mood I'm going to start with a music video.  Lyrics are focused on individuals, but focused on global scale with responsibility themes.  Plus, Spiderman can totally be seen as a modern fairy tale.

First up is a piece by FictionChick of DeviantArt ( It's a fabulous photo manip with epic Rococo elements used to express the saying 'head in the clouds' (who hasn't heard that one if they are into art?)  I especially love the paper crane birds flying about, adding to the sense of unreality the the mixed perspective starts.

Head In the Clouds

Next is an illustration by Yuko Shimizu of Behance. (  Elements of past, future and myth combine to create a figure of epic proportions.  I see elements of the sea hag or evil queen here.  The tech elements may turn some off, but I have always subscribed to Clarke's third law,  "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

The Melancholy of Mechagirl Book Cover

This is by Nacrym of DeviantArt.  (  Water colors always tend to give an ethereal feel that is reminiscent of enhanced reality of fairy tales.  Plus the epic romance of the subject is implicit.  Add to that the aristocratic clothing of no particular period (correct me if I'm wrong, I don't recognize it,) it's a almost throwing it in your face.

When the snow melts into rain

The next piece is by Myoe Win Aung and I found this piece on an Empty Kingdom article on him.  We  have the ethereal quality of the watercolors again this time on a single figure, striking in it's solitude and warm color on the cool background.  Very easy to see the figure as a protagonist heading out on their quest.
Rainy Day At the Temple
This photo manip by La--Boheme  is a bit darker and shows the price of failure.  The pirate woman makes me think of the tester, the mysterious figure that gives the choice.  The grittiness of it is hyper realistic, another example of reality magnification like When the snow melts into rain.


Lillyxandra at Firefly Path

Lillyxandra is a costume and prop maker with fabulous vision.  Her costumes are confections of cloth that drip with sparkles and richness.  Her works extend from originals and commissions, to Disney Princess remakes.

I found her originally through her showing up on my DeviantArt front page with this Jasmine costume.

I then proceeded to lose the afternoon gasping after her other costumes.

She's not limited to Disney with the remakes either.  Her Lady Almalthea almost my me cry.

She also did the costumes for the music video of Bad Wolf's A Better World.  Here is the 'Ice costume detail.

And the music video which is very much worth checking out.

Lillyxandra's work can be found at her website:
Or her DeviantArt Page : Lillyxandra.